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The rebirth of the ondes Martenot, 23 years later ! The very first instrument has been delivered by Jean-Loup Dierstein and Thomas Bloch to Jonny Greenwood (Radiohead) on the 14th of July 2011 - picture below. Jean-Loup Dierstein (left) delivers his very first Ondes Musicales
to Jonny Greenwood (Radiohead) in London, 14th of July 2011 - like the last ondes Martenot model, it is composed from the keyboard, the double pedal and (new) the CV gate out (on the floor), the main and resonance loudspeakers (left, near the Fender Rhodes) and the metallic loudspeaker (on the table) - click on the picture to enlarge it copyright Thomas Bloch, 2011 THE NEW ONDES MARTENOT IS AVAILABLE ! Acheter des ondes Martenot ! C'est à nouveau possible. If you read this page, it probably means that I have given you this adress after you kindly sent me an email in the past saying that you were interested to know more about the revival of the ondes Martenot and that you are maybe interested to buy one now or in the future or just to follow the evolution of the instrument. And sorry by advance for the mistakes you'll probably find all along this page... English is not my first language ! - Thomas BLOCH FOLLOWING THE EVOLUTION OR TO BUY AN INSTRUMENT ?
HOW MUCH ? WHEN ? ANY DIFFERENCE WITH THE ORIGINAL INSTRUMENT ? IMPROVEMENTS ? ANY POSSIBILITY TO LEARN HOW TO PLAY OR HAVE AN INITIATION ? The protoype of the new ondes musicales by Dierstein, based on the very last concert model of the famous ondes musicales invented by Maurice Martenot has been officially presented on the 5th of December 2010 in Paris during the annual meeting of the "Union des enseignements Martenot". Jean-Loup DIERSTEIN, the maker, a specialist of vintage synthetisers who works and repairs the instruments from Jean-Michel Jarre, Vangelis, Daft Punk and most of studios in France, has begun the production in April 2011, after more than two years of work on the prototype. His very first instrument has been delivered on the 14th of July to Jonny Greenwood (Radiohead) who owned a small digital copy of the ondes Martenot until now. FOLLOWING THE EVOLUTION OR TO BUY AN INSTRUMENT ? If you wish to follow the evolution, this page is updated from time to time. If you are interested in buying the ondes Musicales, you'll can write in clicking on the email's link (left or bottom of the page or here). Of course, even if you do so, it doesn't mean that you are engaged. Then, I'll give your contact to the maker and you'll can decide later after having discussed directly with him, if you definitively wish to get the new ondes Musicales or not. HOW MUCH ? - The keyboard + the feet + the double pedal + two original loudspeakers (main and spring reverb) + CV gate adaptor (new) + soft cases : 11 600 € plus VAT (plus TVA); - The keyboard only + the feet + special adaptor, for those who already own an original ondes Martenot and want to use the original loudspeakers without buying the new one : price on request; - "Metallic" loudspeaker (a prototype has been made for Jonny Greenwood but it is is still a work in progress) : price on request; - "Palme" loudspeaker (to come later) : price on request; - Hard flight cases (made by a specialised company) : price on request. - Transportation : if you cannot carry the instrument by yourself, you'll have to add the shipping rate (by road, by plane, or by boat). Financial rules and rates regarding export from France are subject to change according to the countries. You'll don't find any detail on this page which is focused on a musical elements. Those questions have to be discussed later with Jean-Loup Dierstein when you'll have a contact with him. WHEN ? The waiting list is opened and several instruments are already booked. The production has begun in April 2011. The delivery is subject to change according to the length of the waiting list. Mr DIERSTEIN will be able to precise it when you'll have a direct contact with him after you'll confirm your interest in writing back to me. Knowing that the ondes Martenot are hand made (as it has always been), Jean-Loup Dierstein thinks that he'll be able to make 2 or 3 instruments per month. - this is the very first official and authorized picture published / 8th of December 2010 - click on the picture to enlarge it copyright Thomas Bloch, 2010 ANY DIFFERENCE WITH THE ORIGINAL INSTRUMENT ? I remember you that the production stopped in 1988 an that there was only 370 instrument made. So it is almost impossible to find an original one today if you are not already the happy owner of one or several of those rarities, as I am with very few happy others who began to play ondes Martenot before this date. The new Ondes Musicales by Dierstein is made on the same base than the last concert model invented by Maurice Martenot (7th model - with transistors) but with the use of the most recent technical improvements. Jean-Loup Dierstein's purpose was not to change anything or add any new possibility but to respect the orginal concept and design of Maurice Martenot. Improvements and changes concern the reliability thanks to modern components. In doing so, it will be more stable (pitch), easy to use and normalized for every country, less fragile than the original instrument (plugs and elements are standards - it wa not the case with the original ondes Martenot) and it will also help to decrease the final price and the... weight. I have played extensively the prototype all along his conception just after having played my own original instrument and also the first ondes Musicales made for Jonny Greenwood until its delivery. I have to say that I was immediately familiar with it. I cannot tell you more than when I tried it, it was exactly as if I played on my own original ondes Martenot I use for concerts ! The design, the height, the size, the position of the body and hands, each element, the technique, the sounds, the various possibilities of vibrato in real time, the possibilities of micro intervals, the ribbon and its ring, the keyboard, all the control buttons, the space between them, the size of the keys (which is not standard), the sensitivity of the intensity key, the feeling when you manipulate the buttons, everything is just perfect and at its right place. and Thomas Bloch's original ondes Martenot (on the table) click on the picture to enlarge it copyright Thomas Bloch, 2011 Among other improvements : the possibility or to use the original loudspeakers made for original ondes Martenot if you already own one (with a special adaptor), or to use the loudspeakers especially made today with this new instrument, or to use standard loudspeakers (guitar, keyboard, sound system...). When you'll travel, the switch between 110 or 220 volts is automatic (it is new too for us). We'll use standard cables easy to replace anywhere in the world (which was not the case - our plugs were those used between Hammond organs and Leslie cabinet). We have the possibility to plug the new ondes to the CV Gate of modular synthetisers (to be able to control an Arp 2600, a Mini Moog or any other with the very sensitive intensity key, the keyboard or the ribbon of the ondes). The new Ondes Musicales made by Jean-Loup Dierstein
- details of the drawer, the ribbon and the keyboard - click on the picture to enlarge it copyright Thomas Bloch, 2010 ANY POSSIBILITY TO LEARN HOW TO PLAY OR HAVE AN INITIATION ? Even if you don't want to become a professional ondist, to know at least some basic elements is more than highly recommended when you begin it. You'll save time, energy, you'll get less limitations after you'll reach a certain point and so you'll have less chance to be upset or disappointed after a while. People are generally lost when they try to play it alone for the first time because it is not a usual keyboard technique and it takes time to master the ribbon. As I am not only a concertist but also an ondes Martenot teacher (Strasbourg Conservatory, France) since 20 years, I can propose private initiation or lessons. If you have any interest in a brief initiation, lesson or masterclass, please write to me in clicking here. SHORT INITIATION The shortest initiation takes a part of an afternoon. During this time, I give basic but complete indications on how to play the ondes, show and explain all the techniques, explore the sounds and possibilities and so on, during one to two hours. Then I leave you alone for one hour or more with scores (if you read music) or not (if you don't). You'll practice on my concert instrument. Then I come back after a while to correct and to fix definitively the basic technique. You have the possibility to stay one night or more in my 18th century house if it is convenient for you (35' from Paris gare du Nord by train, 25' from Roissy CDG airport by car) which has several independant appartements with bathroom (it was previously a "chambre d'hotes" - bed and breakfast). Prices and availability on request according to the length of lessons and duration of the stay. It could be an opportunity to know if you really fall in love with the ondes Martenot before to decide to buy an instrument. It also offers you the possibility to visit Jean-Loup Dierstein 's shop in Paris. MASTERCLASS There is also the possibility to organise an intensive masterclass in Paris (or anywhere in the world if you have the possibility to invite me - or if by chance I give a concert in the neighborhood), for those who are interested in the future. It will be as well on your request (private sessions on demand) and I'll can also propose short initiation or a masterclass with several students during fixed periods I'll choose. The duration will vary according to your availabilty and wishes to go further or not in learning it. The technique of the ondes is quite different from any other instrument. A traditional and normal cursus to learn to master the ondes Martenot in a Conservatory lasts around 10 years, like any classical instrument. After you obtain your diploma, it is possible to reach a higher level in passing an exam to enter in Strasbourg's Conservatoire, France ("specialisation cycle" dedicated to professional musicians) or in Paris Conservatoire National Superieur de Musique. THOMAS BLOCH http://www.thomasbloch.net |